Outsourcing Your Medical Billing Claims for DME
Outsourcing Your Medical Billing Claims for DME
Outsourcing Your Medical Billing Claims for DME
Medical billing for durable medical equipment (DME) is one of those sticky situations for a lot of medical billing companies. Many times the DME must be preapproved and noted as such on the initial medical billing or your practice may or not get reimbursed.
A lot of DME claims that go unfairly unpaid to a lot of practices because there is a definite learned criteria for submitting and getting these types of medical billing claims paid.
As you are well aware, Medicare claims for DME (both primary and secondary claims) can involve extremely time consuming and manual filing process for most medical billing that is done in house and there is a time limit for filing these claims.
Your medical billing partner can make this process so much easier on your practice by streamlining the filing process and handling the paperwork to get your practice re-imbursed quickly for your DME medical billing claims.
If your practice is of a nature that you have a large volume of DME claims issued through both Carriers as well as Medicare, you will be shocked at the amount of time you have spent filing these claims and following up when they are only partially paid or outright rejected due to one part of the form or another not being filled out correctly.
Your medical billing partner knows the nuances of filing with Medicare for both primary and secondary medical billing claims and how it can make or break your reimbursement. Your medical billing partner has an array of checks and balances in place to make sure your paperwork is perfectly coded and your claims are submitted in a timely manner. That way your revenue flow into your practice stays steady.
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