Medical Billing & Coding Services for Minnesota Providers
Medical Billing in Minnesota for Providers & Practices

Our medical billing & coding services are provided to practicing providers and groups in Minnesota by utilizing the latest in information transfer technology!
The medical billing company you choose to handle your medical billing and management functions should be experts at what they do, and more importantly, experts at increasing provider revenue… not just a company that is close to your practice in Minnesota, but someone who genuinely cares about you, your revenue and your practice.
With successful and satisfied clients all over the United States… the medical billing company that most successful Minnesota Providers choose is Outsource Management Group, LLC.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Portal for Minnesota has a link on the home page titled Blue Cross Basics seminar. It is a free session about coding policies and claims filing resources that is really helpful for providers and providers’ staff.
The Blue Cross Basics tool allows for providers and staff to register for a free seminar. It’s program is designed to be informative for provider staff who register patients, submit claims, post payments or who are new to billing insurance. You can download the registration form that is in a PDF format for dates and locations of how to register. The topics covered are self-help resources, coding policies and guidelines, claims filing and Availity. An Availity representative will demonstrate how to access the following information: eligibility and benefits, claims status, and remit reader (remittance data).
Through the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Provider Portal, another great tool is the pay for performance program for clinics. This program is about recognizing excellence and is an incentive program for clinics. It’s part of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota’s ongoing effort to improve health care and affordibility for consumers. They recognize and reward providers who perform well when measured against accepted guidelines and standards of care. The program is voluntary and measurement data is self-reported.
While Recognizing Excellence has proven to be a popular and effective program in rewarding high quality care, they are creating other relationship models and quality programs in an effort to deliver even great value for their members. As a result of this strategic decision, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota will discontinue the Recognizing Excellence program after all the data has been collected and measured of the 2011 data. The measurements that are tallied are per specialty and help follow the measurement of medical outcome of certain patients with certain diagnoses.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota has many tools and resources for providers and providers staff and can be a quick and easy way to access information without having to call various numbers to gain information on incentive programs, claim filing, and medical policies plus so much more. Take advantage of all the offerings of Minnesota’s Blue Cross Blue Shield provider portal.
Partner with the leading medical billing firm & increase your revenue now!
By utilizing our medical billing for Minnesota physicians you are taking the first step to increasing your revenue. As your business partner, we become a seamless part of the daily function and overall financial health of your practice. We take great pride in continually verifying that our Minnesota providers are being reimbursed for everything they deserve. Contact us today if you’re working long, hard hours and tired of needing more revenue. We will become your partner and guide you to a better bottom line!