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What Is Comprehensive Insurance Follow-up ?

What Is Comprehensive Insurance Follow-up ?

Published by: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO on August 16, 2005

What Is Comprehensive Insurance Follow-up ?

Comprehensive Insurance follow up is a necessary part of the medical billing process, and it consists of three main components:

1. Correspondence – your medical billing partner will handle all the paperwork generated from your medical billing claim filings. Sometimes insurance companies ask for additional information or authorization reports. Your medical billing partner will take care of answering all these requests to get your medical billing claims processed.

2. EOBs – When a claim is paid in full or partially, you need to know. Your medical billing partner will post those payments accurately complete with an EOB so you know which claims are partially paid and still outstanding.

Also, claims that are getting repeatedly rejected will trigger a Rejection Analysis that will allow your medical billing partner to make you and your staff aware of any problems or issues that are causing your medical billing claims to be rejected by the carrier or clearinghouse.

3. Secondary Claims Generation – Your medical billing partner will use proactive tactics to contact the insurance companies regarding outstanding claims to see what the status is and the reason for any delay in claims processing. That way you always know where any claims stands at anytime and when you can expect payment on your outstanding medical billing claims.

These three steps insure that your medical billing claims and A/R will always be up to date and your cash flow for re-imbursements won’t be interrupted. Outsourcing your medical claims will free up your staff from performing these duties and giving them time to run your office and make your practice even stronger.

Published by: on August 16, 2005

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