Archive for The Day of September 14th, 2005

Archive for the Day of September 14th, 2005
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of September 14th, 2005.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during September 14th, 2005.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

When To Use Modifier -91
When To Use Modifier -91 Medical billing has certain nuances that billers should be aware of when submitting claims to insurance companies. One nuance is a modifier. A modifier adds additional information to a current procedural terminology code that the code itself does not present. Modifier 91 is frequently misused when doing medical billing. Modifier 91 is used to report when multiple diagnostic tests are done during the same day. For example: If a patient is rushed into the emergency room and is given a stat glucose test which determines he has hypoglycemia, he will be given glucose gel. Then the emergency staff will need to test him fifteen to …
How Proper Use of 99231 For Medical Billing Claims Can Boost Your Earnings
How Proper Use of 99231 For Medical Billing Claims Can Boost Your Earnings Unsure of the correct medical billing procedures, physicians frequently downcode 99231 for quick payment. There are so many rules and regulations associated with medical billing, physicians tend to downcode whenever there is a questionable decision. A frequent downcode is 99231. Properly billing 99231 can save practices thousands of dollars. There are three codes that are often misused: 99231, 99232, and 99233. 99231 means problem-focused interval history and exam, straightforward or low-complexity medical decision making. 99232 means expanded problem-focused interval history and exam, moderate-complexity medical decision making. 99233 means detailed interval history and exam, high-complexity medical decision making. …