Archive for The Day of September 17th, 2005

Archive for the Day of September 17th, 2005
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of September 17th, 2005.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during September 17th, 2005.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Correct Use of Modifier -59 In Your Medical Billing
Correct Use of Modifier -59 In Your Medical Billing Many medical billing require modifiers to justify and explain why a certain service was done or billed. Modifier 59 many times is forgotten or misused. In order to receive correct payment when medically billing, the correct use of modifier 59 necessary. When medically billing, modifier 59 means that a separate service has been performed on the same day as another , but that they are completely separate and should get separate reimbursement. This could mean a different patient visit, surgery, separate lesion, different site, or a completely separate injury. Here is an example of correct medical billing of modifier 59. If …
Documenting E/M On Your Medical Billing
Guidelines for Documenting E/M On Your Medical Billing Evaluation and management services are some of the most common charges medical billing companies charge today. Since evaluation and management claims are so abundant, it is important to methodically document the occurrences. There are several documentation guidelines for E&M that can improve your medical billing accuracy. The first guideline, and possibly them most important, is insuring your ICD-9 codes and CPT codes correctly match with the documentation in the medical records. This may seem obvious. However, there have been many times when medical billing has been performed incorrectly in this manner. Medical records are very important in substantiating procedures and tests billed. …