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Errors In Drug Testing Claims = Visit From the Feds

Errors In Drug Testing Claims = Visit From the Feds

Published by: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO on September 26, 2005

Errors In Drug Testing Claims Can Put The Feds At Your Door

Any type of medical billing error can raise some eyebrows. There have been so many cases of fraudulent claims, there is no longer room for mistakes. Whether you make an unknowing error in medical billing, or purposefully cheat a payer out of money, the government will come after you with full forces.

Recently, on August 25, 2005, an osteopath, Aaron M. Hurowitz was indicted on 80 counts of healthcare fraud. This Georgia osteopath had been involved in fraud and money laundering since 1997. Apparently he cheated Medicaid out of about three million dollars. There were several things he did to get this fraudulent money. He upcoded several claims and did billing for several medical services he never even performed. One of the main things he did, however, was bill for services that were not medically necessary. Some of the main services he did this for were drug screening tests.

In order to conceal the source of his newly acclaimed money he apparently transferred him house title into his wife’s name. This is where the money laundering count came from. He also falsified medical billing documents and records to fraudulently prove services were medically necessary. Of course, he was caught again.

People like Aaron M. Hurowitz have caused the Department of Justice to keep their eyes wide open for other misbillings. It seems drug testing claims have been some of the most popular fraudulent claims billed. Be sure, when billing for legitimate drug testing, your practice makes no errors in the medical billing. This could raise some eyebrows in your direction.

Medical billing firms can help your practice in many ways. Mainly, they will help your practice follow the correct medical billing and coding procedures required for an honest business.

Published by: on September 26, 2005

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