Archive for The Day of October 4th, 2005

Archive for the Day of October 4th, 2005
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of October 4th, 2005.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during October 4th, 2005.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Boosting Medicare Revenues For Rehab Services
Boosting Medicare Revenues For Rehab Services Medical billing may not be changing for Medicare rehab services, but patient premiums are. On September 16, 2005, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced that the Medicare Part B premiums will increase in 2006 to $88.50 a month. This is up $10.30 from the current premium of $78.20 a month. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says this change in medical premiums will not negatively effect patient billing. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says this premium hike is necessary for the survival of the program. They say that in recent years much more medical billing has been done for …
New HCPCS Coding Changes Include New Categories
New HCPCS Coding Changes Include New Categories The times are changing for medical billing codes. There have been changes to the Healthcare Common Procedural Codes System which include new medical billing codes and completely different categories. On October first there are several new medical billing codes your practice should get familiar with. The main difference with the Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System is the new release of low-vision rehabilitation service codes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released these codes (G9041-G9044). They are based on 15-minute intervals and have different codes depending on what kind of therapist does the service. Also included in the medical billing codes are many …