Tricks For Protecting PHI on Your DME Business
Tricks For Protecting PHI on Your DME Business
Tricks For Protecting PHI on Your DME Business
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of medical billing is protecting your patients’ PHI. Durable medical equipment companies can have just as much of a problem with confidentiality as any other medical facility or practice. There are four main tips for DME businesses to protect the medical billing PHI information.
The first rule is medical equipment tracking. Some medical devices contain personal medical billing PHI information. When these devices are used by a patient, they could potentially breach that confidentiality if the information was not properly stored or disposed. It is much easier to track the device itself than to track the information the device gathers. Tracking devices can be helpful so that you know where the device is at all times. This way personal medical billing information can be kept confidential.
The second rule deals with communication. Each time you receive information that an update is required on a device, be sure to contact the device vendor. There may be specific updates for that particular piece of equipment. If that update is not installed correctly, you could be leaving your PHI medical billing information vulnerable. Great communication is a must! If vendors know you want updated, they just may contact you first.
Another measure to protect PHI is to back up information on devices. If a device breaks down, it is important to have the information stored in that device else ware. Be sure that other information source has proper security measures as well. Any medical billing PHI should be protected to the fullest.
A final tip for protecting medical billing PHI is to increase physical security systems. Many people worry about computer or software hackers, but forget about physical security. Be sure your equipment is behind lock and key. Also, make sure only authorized personnel are able to use and operate durable medical equipment. Protecting PHI is the most important responsibility your durable medical equipment facility must uphold. Medical billing has only as much integrity as you put into it.
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