Archive for The Day of February 27th, 2006

Archive for the Day of February 27th, 2006
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of February 27th, 2006.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during February 27th, 2006.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Medical Billing Code Restrictions Could Become Routine
Medical Billing Code Restrictions Could Become Routine Medical billing coding restrictions may become a trend in future years. Recently, laboratories have been the victim to this trend. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services has proposed a limit on the medical billing codes 88305 and 88342. The medical billing codes 88305 and 88342 are laboratory processing and pathology interpretation codes. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services are proposing that only two 88305 codes and 4 88342 codes may be billed for each patient per date of service. This medical billing change would go into effect on July 01, 2006. There are four agencies involved in this proposal . The …
Improper Medical Billing Reimbursement for Ambulance
Improper Medical Billing Reimbursement for Ambulance A recent study shows that United States citizens are paying dearly for incorrect and unwarranted medical billing payments. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has suspected for a long time that Medicare and ambulance benefits were and are vulnerable to abuse. Apparently, the OIG was correct. A medical billing study of 720 ambulance claims has shown significant overpayments. A whopping $402 million was paid in incorrect ambulance charges in the year 2002. This study is based on transports for emergency, non emergency, and transports to and from dialysis facilities. The OIG now blames Medicare contractors for these medical billing overpayments. They state that proper …