Kaiser Begins Medical Billing Marketing
Kaiser Begins Medical Billing Marketing
Kaiser Begins Medical Billing Marketing
Kaiser is beginning to make its disease management medical billing available for self insured businesses. Many plans contract disease management from outside sources. Kaiser Permanente is different. This company has decided to keep its disease management services in-house. Kaiser Permanente is quickly becoming a medical billing force in America.
Kaiser Permanente Healthy Solutions is the disease management subsidiary of Kaiser Permanente . Beginning soon, this medical billing giant will begin to market to national employers, groups, labor unions, and the national government. They believe their disease management services could improve medical billing for all groups.
Kaiser anticipates signing on about five to eight new customers this year. Each customer will have 40,000 to 80,000 beneficiaries a piece. This means big medical billing dollars for Kaiser. Not only is Kaiser expanding its offerings locally,it is also expanding to the West Coast.
There are several elements of Kaiser’s Disease Management Program that improve medical billing. This year, Kaiser will focus its medical billing efforts on a smoking cessation, and weight loss program. It also aids medical billing because it educates patients about their chronic illnesses. Knowledge means power and less medical billing money spent.
Disease management can be a great tool used by insurance companies to reduce medical billing expenses. The more effectively patients can control and manage their own diseases, the better medical billing looks for everyone. Proactive medical care improves your financial situation and the health of your beneficiaries. This is why there has been a switch over to preventive care in recent years. It is much cheaper to prevent an illness than to treat it. Disease management services such as Kaiser Permanente Healthy Solutions have taken preventive care one step further. The medical billing world is quickly becoming a better place with the implementation of disease management services.
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