Suspension of Cytology Proficiency Medical Billing
Suspension of Cytology Proficiency Medical Billing
Suspension of Cytology Proficiency Medical Billing
Keep your medical billing ears open for cytology proficiency testing changes. The college of American pathologists (CAP) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) have completely different ideas about cytology proficiency testing penalties. Your medical billing staff members may need to prepare for quick changes in the coming months.
In 2005, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services introduced cytology proficiency testing to the country. Last year sanctions were not imposed on laboratories which performed this testing. Medical billing was allowed and failures in the testing itself were not penalized.
2006 is different. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services intend on lifting the medical billing sanctions on proficiency testing. The college of American pathologists is doing everything it can to prevent this sanction lifting. They would like the program to be the same in 2006 as it was in 2005. They claim they need one more year of medical billing sanctions to convince Congress to revive the program.
This program raises many eyebrows in the healthcare and medical billing world. Quick changes in this industry means that your staff members must be flexible. Particularly your medical billing staff members, they must be able to adapt to any situation.
If your practice has a difficult time keeping current with medical billing training, an outside medical billing firm may be able to help people. You can use their services temporarily, or you can use them on a permanent basis. These medical billing firms make it their business to provide complete and accurate claims for your organization. Not only do they have trained staff members, but they also have top of the lines software to check and double check your claims. Sometimes, in a fast paced world medical billing firms can do wonders for your healthcare practice.
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