Medicare Halts Reimbursements on Fecal Occult Blood Testing
Medicare Halts Reimbursements on Fecal Occult Blood Testing
If you are a physician that does FOBT testing, you need to make sure that the updated CPT coding is being used on your medical billing claims along with complete documentation or Medicare will no longer reimburse your medical billing claims submitted for this procedure.
As of April 1, 2006, Medicare will no longer accept fecal occult blood code 82270 under the fecal occult blood test coverage policy for reimbursement. The new code that should be used for this service refers to blood occult peroxidase code 82272.
If your practice has grown to the point you’re finding it difficult to keep up with the lightning fast changes in the medical coding and billing industry, it might be time for you to consider outsourcing your medical billing claims to a partner company.
Not only will your claims be filed accurately and timely, your medical billing partner will keep up with the changes and alert you of any necessary changes that need to be made in your inner-office medical coding to insure that your medical billing is always processed accurately and that you receive a maximum reimbursement for services rendered.
If you’re ready to outsource your medical billing claims, give us a call today and let us design the perfect program for your practice.
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