Archive for The Day of July 25th, 2006

Archive for the Day of July 25th, 2006
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of July 25th, 2006.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during July 25th, 2006.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Choosing A Medical Billing Company
Deciding to outsource your medical billing is not a decision to be taken lightly, and in the beginning you may not even need to outsource your billing in the beginning. But soon, you will find that your staff is so busy servicing your patients and running your office with its day-to-day goings on, finally you have to look at outsourcing. There have been some horror stories out there about physicians outsourcing their medical billing or practice management to a company and then finding out it cost them even more money because the company just wasn’t up to date on their coding books or simply not experienced enough to handle the …
How is Auditory Rehabilitation Billed?
Medical billing changes occur each and every year in America. 2006 has brought many changes to the forefront. Aural Rehabilitation is one major area of confusion. Medical billing changes to Aural Rehab CPT codes have wrongly caused many people to believe Aural Rehabilitation is not covered. Medicare actually assigned status code “I” to all new medical billing codes for auditory rehabilitation. These codes are 92630 and 92633. This means that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will not pay for auditory rehabilitation, only diagnostic audiology. However, this is only true if an audiologist performs the service and the medical billing. There are several other medical professionals that could possibly …