Getting Your Medical Billing Claims Paid
Getting Your Medical Billing Claims Paid
If your medical billing forms don’t have the proper diagnosis codes listed on your billings that are submitted to Medicare & Medicaid Services, the claim can be rejected. Any claim without a valid diagnosis code will not be processed.
In previous years, when claims came in from service providers with incorrect diagnosis codings, the Medicare carriers would make the proper corrections and then reimburse the medical billing claim. Medicare personnel will no longer perform that function. Absolute correct coding is now required in order to reimburse for Medicare Part B services.
A lot of service providers used to rely on this correction by the personnel at Medicare. As this is no longer being done, there will be a huge dent in a lot of medical billing reimbursements if a physician’s staff doesn’t know the proper diagnosis coding numbers.
If your staff is already stretched thinly handling your busy practice, it might be time to consider outsourcing your medical billing claims to a company that can double check your claims for accuracy, make sure all medical necessity documentation is met and submit your claims electronically to insure that the fastest and maximum benefits are given. Your medical billing partner can make sure you get the fastest turn around on your medical billing claims. Additionally, outsourcing your medical billing is a smart choice as your staff will no longer have to keep up with the fast paced changes in the medical billing industry and everyone can concentrate on servicing patients and helping your practice grow and become even more successful.
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