Universal Injection Code
Universal Injection Code
As of January 1, 2006; changes were made regarding therapeutic and antibiotic injections medical billing claims that will affect your medical billing claims if you don’t update your filing methods.
In the past there were separate injection administration codes for a therapeutic, prophylactic, diagnostic injection and an antibiotic injection. Instead of choosing to report administration of a prophylactic Synagis treatment (90378) with a 90782 (Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection , you now simply use 90772 as a universal injection code. On E/M coding, you will generally still need to attach modifier 25 to insure you’re your claim is handled. Modifier 25 states that this procedure or other service was performed the same day.
If you have a medical billing claim that been denied, refile your claim using modifier 25 and include the new instructions from CPT to insure that the underwriter making the decision can see you are following the new billing procedures to the letter.
All other codings have been deleted as of January 1, 2006. This will make filing your medical billing claims much easier and will eliminate a lot of coding errors that can happen in a busy office environment.
If your practice has grown to the point you aren’t sure that you can keep up with the medical billing changes for your office. Consider outsourcing your medical billing to the pros that keep up with the lightning fast changes in the medical billing industry. Not only will your medical billing claims be filed timely and accurately, in the event of a denial, those will be handled as well for you.
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