Archive for The Day of March 1st, 2007
Archive for the Day of March 1st, 2007
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of March 1st, 2007.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during March 1st, 2007.
You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.
Office Visits And Well Checks
Any time you are coding for problem visits that a patient has, it is important that you take into consideration any other office visits that they may have recently had. Basically, you are going to want to look to see if there is a connection between visits for preventative medicine as well as current health issues that may be in place, which also needs some attention. Many times, a physician will end up seeing a patient that shows up in search of a visit to fall into the category of preventative medicine. Then, upon further evaluation, the doctor will then need to look at the patient further for some sort …
Avoiding Costly “Medically Unlikely Edit” Denials
It can happen to any individual who is involved with coding, dealing with MUEs can end up being a nightmare if you do not know when and how to use them. MUEs, which is short for the term Medically Unlikely Edits, happen to be put in place to try and help limit the amount of billing errors. The more you understand them, the better off you will be when you find that you need to use them. If you are worried about dealing with MUEs, then you really should know that you are not alone. Luckily, there are a couple of things that you can look to and keep in …