Outsourcing a Dirty Word toYou?
Outsourcing a Dirty Word toYou?
The word “outsourcing” has become a dirty word for many physicians that have been burned by medical billing companies that either outsourced their claims to medical billing companies that use neither secure networks nor adhere to HIPAA regulation in order to maximize their profits; or the outsourcing company just turned out to not be reliable and it wound up costing the practice money to utilize their services.
Don’t let a bad experience keep you from partnering with a legitimate medical billing company that can not only help you get your reimbursements faster but also realize great profits by maximizing every single medical billing claim that is filed to make sure that all services and procedures are counted by the carrier and reimbursed.
If you’ve been hesitant about outsourcing your medical billing because you aren’t sure it would actually help your practice or you’ve been burned; do a little research on your own and ask for references. Ask the medical billing company what they will do for you. OMG will not only help you get the best reimbursements on your medical billing, they will also help you manage your practice by keeping your and your staff informed of coming CPT coding changes that will affect your practice as well as helping keep your patient accounts organized and you can log in and see where a patient’s account stands for insurance payments versus out of pocket. This is a very efficient way to run your practice and when you have the extra time due to partnering with a competent medical billing partner, you will finally be able to help your practice really grow!
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