Medical Billing For DME
Medical Billing For DME
Medical Billing For DME
DME stands for Durable Medical Equipment. A DME or HME (Home Medical Equipment) Billing Service is a specialized form of medical billing. Make sure your medical billing vendors have these capabilities.
DME medical billing covers a very broad spectrum of medical billing types such as wound care billing, infusion therapy, diabetes supply, mobility therapy, and respiratory care. If there is special equipment needed for on-going care of the patient, such as diabetes testing supplies or a scooter, the medical billing company will code and submit those DME claims for you.
The way it works is very simple. You diagnose a patient’s needs as far as any equipment needed and go ahead and order it. Then, send the documentation to your medical billing company. The billing company will review the DME claim for absolute accuracy and then submit all billable claims. Re-imbursement for DME claims are sent to your office.
Usually a secondary claim is generated and submitted for insurance purposes.
Denials and partial pays are worked are usually handled by the medical billing company, this level of service frees up your staff to do what they do best, make your patients happy and help your practice grow!
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