Archive for The Month of September, 2008

Archive for the Month of September, 2008
Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the month of September, 2008.
Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the month of September, 2008.
You can browse this month's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Outsourcing Your Chiropractic Medical Billing
Outsourcing Your Chiropractic Medical Billing Chiropractic offices are often overlooked in the medical billing community. Your chiropractic practice can benefit just as much from outsourcing your medical billing as any other type of practice. There are nuances in the chiropractic industry that can make or break your medical billing claims being reimbursed. One of the biggest things that gets your chiropractic medical billing claims denied is lack of good documentation. Make sure you have good back up documentation before you file. Take the extra effort to be certain you have the right paperwork and coding before the claim is filed. Also, make sure the CPT codes haven’t changed otherwise, you …
Avoiding Claim Denials For AMCC Tests
Avoiding Claim Denials For AMCC Tests When billing with medical modifier codes for automated multi-channel chemistry it is important to bill correctly to prevent denial. When a patient has end-stage renal disease it is important to use the 50/50 medical billing rule. This rule requires automatic multi-channel chemistry tests to be correctly identified on claims. Recently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services has decided to deny laboratory claims that do not comply with this rule. The correct medical billing modifier for an automatic multi-channel chemistry test is required in order to prevent this denial from occurring. This is required when ever a medical end-stage renal disease facility or a …
Update Your Reporting Method To Medicare
Update Your Reporting Method To Medicare or Face Denials Times are changing when performing electronic medical billing to Medicare. Beginning on August 1, 2005, noncompliant electronic claims billed will be denied. These billed medical claims must be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Currently there is a medical billing contingency plan in effect that does accept these noncompliant claims, but that will soon end. In order to ensure the most efficient payment possible, submitting compliant electronic claims is recommended. Otherwise, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will send the claim back to you unprocessed and with no payment. To get medically reimbursed for this billing, …
Medical Billing Denials – Matching Your Place of Service
Avoiding Medical Billing Denials – Matching Your Place of Service Place of service codes are very important when performing medical billing. The place of service code will determine whether or not your practice is paid for services rendered. There are several different current procedural terminology medical billing codes that bring about confusion when choosing a place of service code. Many times when billing for home services, medical providers get confused as to which place of service code to use. The only time the actual place of service “home” should be used is in a patient’s apartment, house, etc. In this case you would use place of service code 12 for …