Tips for Succeeding at MIPS

Tips for Succeeding at MIPS
With the CMS’ Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and value-based care model in full effect, it’s important for physicians to understand what MIPS means for their practices, particularly when it comes to understanding what types of technologies are available to help them avoid a negative adjustment to their Medicare reimbursement.
As a practicing dermatologist, I’ve faced the ongoing challenges that evolving government mandates present and their subsequent reporting requirements. That said, these mandates, particularly MIPS, present an opportunity to refine and streamline existing regulations, while also taking a concerted step toward an effective quality care model and reimbursing physicians for value over volume.
While another health IT mandate may seem daunting, the right electronic health record (EHR) system can automate quality reporting and reduce time spent on administrative reporting and tasks not directly related to clinical care. Indeed, this task is almost impossible without technology. MIPS has created a switchers’ market when it comes to EHR systems where more physicians are looking to change EHR providers.
Modern, innovative EHR systems that can organize clinical data in a structured and actionable format empower doctors to extract meaningful insights at both the patient and population levels. That’s why having an EHR system that automatically handles scheduling, document management, billing and reporting is crucial. Intelligent systems that can automate mundane reporting and administrative tasks will empower physicians to focus on clinical care…
View all Articles Mentioned by: Melissa Clark, CCS-P, RT

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