Cerner’s Learning Health Network to Boost EHR Data Insights
Cerner’s Learning Health Network to Boost EHR Data Insights
“Cerner recently announced the development of the Cerner Learning Health Network, which is designed to help clinicians more easily use EHR data insights to guide better-informed care.
The tool will automate data collection from EHR systems and other sources to give medical researchers access to information that may improve care delivery.
Cerner will partner with the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) to pilot the program and improve clinical research registries.
The Learning Registry pilot program at DCRI will leverage Cerner Learning Health Network to evaluate proven therapies for chronic cardiovascular disease. Together, Cerner and DCRI hope to use data and intelligence to give clinicians access to insights on chronic cardiovascular disease, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.
As part of the pilot project, DCRI will use Cerner health IT tools to analyze de-identified patient data from the University of Missouri Health Care and Ascension Seton, along with the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas Austin. The goal of the pilot program and the Learning Health Network health IT solution is to identify the most effective treatment options available…”
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