All Articles Mentioned by Melissa Clark, CCS-P, RT
All Articles Mentioned by Melissa Clark, CCS-P, RT - President and CEO
Welcome to the archived list of all articles mentioned and posted to the site by our Chief Executive Officer, Melissa Clark, CCS-P, RT.
All mentioned articles are listed below and categorized by date, newest to oldest. Click any link below to read the entire synopsis.

Data can unlock capacity in the O.R. & drive better decision-making: Melissa’s Mention
“Optimizing operating room performance is a tough nut to crack for hospitals because true OR capacity is often uncaptured and underutilized due to rigid scheduling protocols. During a workshop sponsored by LeanTaaS at the Becker’s Hospital Review 9th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable in November, Sanjeev Agrawal, president and COO of LeanTaaS, and Matt Ruby, director of business operations, surgical services at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, discussed challenges and available solutions related to efficient OR utilization. Four key takeaways: 1. Unused OR capacity leads to unrealized return on investment. The OR represents the economic backbone of hospitals but is often underutilized because of the rigidity of block scheduling and …
HIPAA and Professional Sports Figures: Let’s Get the Record Straight: Melissa’s Mention
Matt Fisher clears up some confusion related to HIPAA and individuals on Health IT Answers. “The spotlight continues to shine brightly on HIPAA, especially as an excuse, when it comes to professional athletes responding to questions around COVID vaccine status. The most recent string of erroneous responses started strongly over the summer when NFL training camps kicked into gear. As players returned and the league indicated its intentions for health safety, questions were often posed to players to find where they all stood. Before diving into a bit from my perspective, I encourage readers to check out a similar article by Charles Curtis on ForTheWin with USA Today where I …
Tips for Recouping Lost Revenue From COVID-19 Pandemic
Craig Adkins of AdvancedMD gives HealthIT Answers some tips of how to recoup some of the revenue lost during the pandemic in this article mention. “The past few months of the pandemic have brought many challenges to physician practices, especially small, independent providers operating outside the domains of COVID-19 treatment. While mandatory shutdowns and quarantines have slowed the spread of the virus, the economic impact has been substantial. Fewer outpatient visits—and even fewer procedures—over the past several months have led to serious financial hardship for many providers. Practices that will stay afloat during this challenging time are doing so strategically. In some cases, practices planned for a “rainy day” and …
EHR Training and Experience Lead to Decreased EHR Use by Residents
Are you satisfied with your EHR? Do you spend 40% of your day in your EHR? Research shows that some physicians do.. “Physicians at large community hospitals spend nearly four hours during work hours, or roughly 40 percent of their day, on the EHR, according to a study published in the Public Library of Science (PLOS ONE). Additionally, researchers found a significant decrease in resident EHR use with increased training and experience, although the overall amount of time spent on the EHR remained high. “Studies exploring EHR use emphasized extensive time as one of the significant drawbacks to EHR,” wrote the study authors. “It has been reported that physicians …
Recent Implementation of a New Set of COVID-19 Dataset Codes
Information from EHR Intelligence… “There will now be over 150 new LOINC dataset codes that are linked to COVID-19. Health IT professionals at Regenstrief Institute have added new COVID-19 standardized codes for laboratory testing and clinical observations to the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) dataset. LOINC aims to streamline health data standardization for more efficient EHR use and health data exchange, which is key when a pandemic such as COVID-19 occurs. As one of the most widely-used code systems, LOINC seeks to provide standardization in medical test result identification, observations, and a variety of other clinical measures. LOINC promotes interoperability with new terms for tests and clinical observations …
How Do We Improve Data Collection and Exchange Following COVID-19?
How Do We Improve Data Collection and Exchange Following COVID-19? Christopher Jason answers this question in an article at EHR Intelligence. Reducing measurement burden, addressing the lag in reporting data quality, and improving data standardization will be key to boosting clinical quality measurement, according to a recent journal article published in JAMA Network. “There is a lack of information that would help clinicians improve care delivery in the moment and learn for the future,” J. Matthew Austin, PhD, and Allen Kachalia, MD, wrote in the article. “This situation highlights how the current approach to quality and safety measurement remains too labor intensive, contains significant data lags, and lacks sufficient …
Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Unraveling HIPAA Rules?
Art Gross poses a great question over at Health IT Answers… Is COVID-19 unraveling HIPPA? “The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) was created in 1996 to protect patients and their privacy, and if you are in healthcare, you already know this and are familiar with what it means. With a goal to ensure that people could maintain health insurance between jobs, thus the “Portability” part of the name; along with a second, and critical goal, to address the “Accountability” of insurance to protect the confidentiality part of patient information and data. This meant mandating standards of privacy for electrotonic protected health information (PHI) and data that was …
Poor Payer Reimbursements are Effecting Practices During COVID-19
HealthIT Answers posted an interesting article on how the pandemic is effecting providers. “Most physicians who have been practicing for a few decades remember the days when private payer reimbursements dwarfed Medicare reimbursements. That dynamic has long since flipped, starting with the 2008 recession. Reimbursements have been flat or have lost value from inflation, while practice costs have seen double-digit increases. Meanwhile, hospitals and insurance-owned health networks have seen reimbursements increase to 300% or more of Medicare in some cases, whereas it’s not uncommon for private practices to receive rates far below Medicare standards. Many practices have seen their volumes decrease from 30% to up to 90%, and a significant …
Capitol Hill is paying a lot of attention to ICD-10…
“Capitol Hill is paying a lot of attention to ICD-10 implementation” is a great article by Carl Natale on ICD-10 Watch that talks about a big week in ICD-10 implementation… Excerpt: “The U.S. House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health, chaired by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA), has scheduled a hearing on “Examining ICD-10 Implementation” for 10:15 a.m. Wednesday. There isn’t a list of witnesses yet. But expect representatives from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and American Medical Association (AMA) at least. There are plans to livestream it at This comes a day after the Coalition for ICD-10 sponsors …
Ensure Complete Medical Billing For Every Encounter
“Don’t Overlook Coding Opportunities For Routine Healthcare Services” is a great article by Greg Freeman on Health Leaders Media’s site. The article talks about a big problem that we see every day, in that providers are not always paying close attention to coding for normal, everyday services, therefore they are not being reimbursed in full… Excerpt: “Optimizing your revenue is an ongoing challenge for any physician practice, and the task only gets harder as the healthcare industry changes and reimbursement is restructured. But one way to improve your practice revenue can easily be overlooked in all the effort to accommodate the new factors: making sure you are charging fully …