Medical Billing Blog: Section - General Info

Archive of all Articles in the General Info Section

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Checklist to Detect Fraudulent Insurance Medical Billing

Checklist to Detect Fraudulent Insurance Medical Billing Medical billing fraud is rampant in America. Now there is a new form of this type of fraud. Instead of consumers taking advantage of insurance companies, insurance companies are now taking advantage of small businesses. Fraudulent insurance companies are putting a new spin on medical billing fraud. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners is currently providing a checklist to distinguish fraudulent insurance plans from legitimate ones. Sometimes small businesses don’t have the resources or the money to investigate possible insurance companies. This checklist provides a quick way to filter possible insurance scams. Like any other issue in medical billing you should always use

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Exceptions Are Put In Place

Medical Billing Exceptions Are Put In Place Shortly after the deficit reduction medical billing act was signed, Medicare created and exception process. February 8, 2006 marked a day that will go down in history for physical therapy. It was the day therapy that caps were installed for Medicare beneficiaries. To combat this, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services created exceptions for this medical billing legislation. The magic number for therapy medical billing is $1740. The deficit reduction act says that no one can get therapy over $1,740.00 a year. However, Medicare has made some exceptions to this rule. There are some people who will automatically fall under the exceptions

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Performing Medical Billing for a Deceased Patient

Performing Medical Billing for a Deceased Patient Medical billing reimbursement in is allowed for deceased patients before occupying a hospital room. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services altered and updated their policy on July 03, 2005. Medical billing coding not only affects your bottom line, but also weight calculations for the DRG. Since the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services changed their policy, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has asked the agency for further explaination and clarification of the policy. Medicare says that they consider a patient inpatient as soon as the doctor’s written order requests it. No matter if the patient dies before being assigned or not, room

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Code Restrictions Could Become Routine

Medical Billing Code Restrictions Could Become Routine Medical billing coding restrictions may become a trend in future years. Recently, laboratories have been the victim to this trend. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services has proposed a limit on the medical billing codes 88305 and 88342. The medical billing codes 88305 and 88342 are laboratory processing and pathology interpretation codes. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services are proposing that only two 88305 codes and 4 88342 codes may be billed for each patient per date of service. This medical billing change would go into effect on July 01, 2006. There are four agencies involved in this proposal . The

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Improper Medical Billing Reimbursement for Ambulance

Improper Medical Billing Reimbursement for Ambulance A recent study shows that United States citizens are paying dearly for incorrect and unwarranted medical billing payments. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has suspected for a long time that Medicare and ambulance benefits were and are vulnerable to abuse. Apparently, the OIG was correct. A medical billing study of 720 ambulance claims has shown significant overpayments. A whopping $402 million was paid in incorrect ambulance charges in the year 2002. This study is based on transports for emergency, non emergency, and transports to and from dialysis facilities. The OIG now blames Medicare contractors for these medical billing overpayments. They state that proper

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Specialty Hospitals Hinder Community Hospitals’ Medical Billing

Specialty Hospitals Hinder Community Hospitals’ Medical Billing You may not think that one hospital could affect another hospital’s medical billing, but you would be wrong. Community hospitals used to be the only hospitals around. Now specialty hospitals are popping up all over the country. These new specialty hospitals are beginning to hinder medical billing reimbursement for community hospitals. There are several issues of debate when speaking of specialty hospitals. Routinely these hospitals get the more profitable medical cases than the community hospitals. This causes problems for the community hospitals because they use these high profit cases to subsidize their lower profit cases. Not only do specialty hospitals take money away

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

RAD Medical Billing Categories Will Change

RAD Medical Billing Categories Will Change Two new durable medical equipment codes will receive medical billing caps . Therapy services and durable medical equipment services have gone through many changes over the last year. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services have recently changed the category of two medical billing device codes: E0471 and E0472. The medical billing codes E0471 and E0472 are RAD codes. These codes used to be placed in the durable medical equipment category that was for items frequently used. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services announced that this change will take effect on April 01, 2006. The main reason CMS changed the category was because

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Can You Choose the Correct Medical Billing Pain Code?

Can You Choose the Correct Medical Billing Pain Code? Finding the right pain code can be a sticky situation in medical billing. When dental issues come into the picture, sometimes the medical billing staff members go crazy. Knowing how to simply break down a chief complaint in any situation is a medical billing skill everyone should master. If a patient comes into the emergency department and complains of a dental wire sticking into his/her lip, you already have your chief complaint. Even if your physician does not treat the patient but merely advises him/her to check with the dentist and buy someone wax from the local drugstore, you can still

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Wireless Charge Capture Improves Medical Billing

Wireless Charge Capture Improves Medical Billing New mobile technology is rocking the medical billing world. A new mobile application system called PatientKeeper Charge Capture is making the world a little easier for the Hebrew Rehabilitation center. This new system has quickly exceeded the hospital’s expectations, mobile devices are quickly becoming the wave of the future in medical building. There are many advances in technology that do little to affect the medical billing world. Mobile technology is different. The Hebrew rehabilitation center recently introduced new mobile technology to its hospital called the PatientKeeper Charge Capture. This new system has improved medical billing in many ways. One of the main benefits of

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Kaiser Begins Medical Billing Marketing

Kaiser Begins Medical Billing Marketing Kaiser is beginning to make its disease management medical billing available for self insured businesses. Many plans contract disease management from outside sources. Kaiser Permanente is different. This company has decided to keep its disease management services in-house. Kaiser Permanente is quickly becoming a medical billing force in America. Kaiser Permanente Healthy Solutions is the disease management subsidiary of Kaiser Permanente . Beginning soon, this medical billing giant will begin to market to national employers, groups, labor unions, and the national government. They believe their disease management services could improve medical billing for all groups. Kaiser anticipates signing on about five to eight new customers

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments