Medical Billing Blog: Section - General Info

Archive of all Articles in the General Info Section

This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the General Info section of our blog.

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Hospital Coding For Medical Billing Claims

Hospital Coding For Medical Billing Claims Hospitals can be fast paced, shift changes and sometimes the lack of documentation can all hinder the reimbursement process for your medical billing claims. Hospital coding techniques can vary greatly since so many individuals handle the coding and documentation and usually they require a good deal of overview. Medical billing for out patient and X-ray labs is usually very cut and dried to process as you only need to check the orders for necessity (especially for Medicare medical billing claims) and you need to make sure you have the proper documentation prior to submitting your medical billing claims. Asking for missing information in order

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

What are Taxonomy Codes?

What are Taxonomy Codes? Even if you’ve only been involved in medical billing for a short time, you have seen taxonomy codes, they are primarily used in the billing of Medicare claims. The taxonomy code is now HIPAA mandatory and necessary for electronic filing of medical billing claims. The taxonomy is a unique alphanumeric code that is 10 characters in length. The code list is structured into three distinct “Levels” including Provider Type, Classification, and Area of Specialization. There is a listing called “The Provider Taxonomy Code List” which allows a single provider (individual, group, or institution) to identify their specialty by category. Providers may have one or more than

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Wound Length & Medical Billing Laceration Claims

Wound Length & Medical Billing Laceration Claims When processing medical billing claims for multiple laceration repairs – which is common when processing paperwork on an auto accident and many emergency room claims; normally you won’t add the repair lengths unless you have wounds that require exactly the same type and amount of care and are at roughly the same anatomic location as defined by CPT coding. The medical billing is easy enough to figure out on most multiple laceration claims. If there are different types of repairs you will use separate CPT codes on your medical billing. If you have multiple lacerations in the same area, CPT explains this by

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Ways To Up Your Menactra Reimbursements

Ways To Up Your Menactra Reimbursements As of July of this year there is an addition to the coding in the form of 90734 (Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, serogroups A, C, Y and W-135 [tetravalent], for intramuscular use), and 3 insurance companies have a wide difference in reimbursements. Advance planning in your medical billing, proper patient coding, and exact documentation will help get your practice the ultimate reimbursement for this procedure. The average revenue reimbursement seems to be in the $85-$102 at this time from most carriers. Three different insurance companies were asked what their reimbursement rates would be for 90734 and received the following responses: United had not set a

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

What billing methods put your practice at risk?

What billing methods put your practice at risk? There are several illegal medical billing practices that could get you charged for fraud or abuse. Millions and sometimes even billions of dollars each year is lost to fraudulent medical claims. Every one of us pays for it in some way or another. This article is meant to alert you of fraudulent medical billing practices so you can prevent them from happening in your practice. One common fraudulent medical billing practice is when services and procedures are billed for but were never provided. You may think, “How can a practice get away with this? Wouldn’t the patient know?” Since absolutely everything a

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

How Is Medical Billing Generated?

How Is Medical Billing Generated? So, you’re not feeling well and you have tried all your home remedies and nothing is improving your illness, so you give in to go see your regular doctor. You go to the office and give them your insurance card and wait your turn to be called. Already you’re generating work for a lot of people and you don’t even know it. Your insurance card information is pulled up and a new medical billing form is created. No matter what procedures are rendered to you today, it will be documented in the form of numbers, called CPT codes, on your medical billing form. If you

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

How Can Medical Billing Benefit Your Practice?

How Can OMG Medical Billing Benefit Your Practice? Medical billing is a complicated process, that if not done correctly, can lead to a loss of revenue and underpayment. Outsourcing medical billing can help eliminate some of these losses. There are several benefits to using a medical billing company. It has been said that 30% of all medical services are never reimbursed to the health care provider. This is due to poor follow-up to insurance companies and to patients themselves for medical practices. Too often, medical office personnel are stretched to their limits. They are responsible for medical billing, advertising, scheduling, and customer service. Medical billing companies can alleviate some of

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Top Medical Billing Claim Submission Errors

Top Medical Billing Claim Submission Errors If you’ve only been doing medical billing for a short period of time or you’re an old hat at it, you know that handling Medicare medical billing claims can be tricky. A recent study from Medicare identified the top medical billing claim submission errors and addressed them. Most of these are due to medical billing claims being filed in house in the physician’s office direct to Medicare. If a physician outsources their medical billing, they will see their rejection and denial rate drop to less than 1% in most cases. Homebound patients make up a large part of Medicare claims and the simple lab

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

How is Medical Coding Different From Medical Billing?

How is Medical Coding Different From Medical Billing? Although the words medical billing and medical coding sound to be one-in-the-same, there are some integral differences that distinguish the two tasks from each other. When examining the differences between medical billing and medical coding, it is first important to understand what the two actually are. Medical billing is the process of submitting insurance claims forms from medical providers to insurance companies. In turn, healthcare providers get paid for their services rendered. A medical biller executes this plan. They know the ins and outs of basic insurance coverage and are the people who make sure healthcare providers get paid. This can be

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Top 3 Types Of Appeals Filed In Your Medical Billing Claims

Top 3 Types Of Appeals Filed In Your Medical Billing Claims Filing appeals for your denied medical billing claims is never a fun affair. In many cases, these denials of claims could have been avoided completely with just a little bit of preparation with your medical billing claim. The number one type of appeal filed on medical billing claims was on claims denied due to diagnosis reasons. This can be due to incorrect coding, under or over coding and the biggest offender in this category dealt with medical billing claims that were coded using outdated codes. The ever changing world of diagnosis codes is not easy to keep up with

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments