Medical Billing Blog: Section - General Info

Archive of all Articles in the General Info Section

This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the General Info section of our blog.

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Safety Send Endorsed by AMBA

Safety Send Endorsed by AMBA The American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) has selected Safety Send as the Endorsed Product for Their Members to use for HIPAA Compliance. Safety Send is designed for all levels of medical billing. According to Cyndee Weston, President of AMBA, “We are excited to have found SafetySend as a very affordable solution for our members to comply with the HIPAA security rule. AMBA was formed and is targeted toward providing assistance for small and home based professional medical billers with similar needs, interests and goals. Our members are looking for an affordable and reasonable answer to compliance, both for their practices and for their physician practices.”

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

What Is The Electronic Claims Submission Process?

What Is The Electronic Claims Submission Process? The reason many physicians don’t outsource their medical billing is that they are unsure of how the Electronic Claims Submission process works. Understanding exactly what happens when the medical billing is sent from your office to the time you are re-reimbursed for your claims will show you how smart making the decision to outsource a lot easier. Your claims are transmitted to the medical billing company via electronic submission or plain old paper medical billing forms. At the medical billing firm, your electronic submissions are received and your paper claims are entered and double checked for errors and then transmitted in batch orders

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Outsourcing For Specialists

Medical Billing Outsourcing For Specialists Specialists have special problems when they need to outsource their medical billing. They need to find a vendor that understands their procedures and can accurately pick the correct coding in case the physician merely checks a main procedure performed. This knowledge by the medical billing firm will insure that claims are not under or partially paid when reimbursed and save the Specialist a lot of legwork having to pull files and re-read procedures to see what was actually done. Outsourcing your medical billing to a firm that can handle your specialty claims will take a lot off your mind and improve your cash flow. Did

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

One Diagnosis Code

One Diagnosis Code? A situation that happens frequently in the medical billing industry is when a physician sees a patient, puts one diagnosis code on the form, yet multiple services were rendered. As detailed as medical coding is, in many cases, one code won’t cover the range of services the physician may have performed for the patient and portions of the claim will get rejected. Meaning the physician will only receive a partial reimbursement and the claim will have to be recoded covering the additional services originally not coded and the entire process can snarl up the repayment process for the practice. Most medical billing companies have a series of

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

What Is Comprehensive Insurance Follow-up ?

What Is Comprehensive Insurance Follow-up ? Comprehensive Insurance follow up is a necessary part of the medical billing process, and it consists of three main components: 1. Correspondence – your medical billing partner will handle all the paperwork generated from your medical billing claim filings. Sometimes insurance companies ask for additional information or authorization reports. Your medical billing partner will take care of answering all these requests to get your medical billing claims processed. 2. EOBs – When a claim is paid in full or partially, you need to know. Your medical billing partner will post those payments accurately complete with an EOB so you know which claims are partially

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Still Unsure About Outsourcing Your Medical Billing?

Still Unsure About Outsourcing Your Medical Billing? A sobering fact that most medical practitioners don’t want to hear is that nearly 25% of all medical practice income is lost due to under coding, missed charges and claims that were missed or not properly reimbursed. That translates to hundreds of millions of dollars lost in revenue annually for the medical profession as a whole. Outsourcing your medical billing will allow your revenue to be collected and you will see a faster turn around on your claims. You could be receiving your reimbursement payments on your medical billing claims in 7-14 days as opposed to the 90-120 days you are probably used

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Outsourcing Your Medicare Medical Billing Claims

Outsourcing Your Medicare Medical Billing Claims In order to participate in Medicare, health care providers must:*Agree to file claims to Medicare on behalf of the patient.*Accept the allowed or approved amount of the claim as payment in full.*Write off any amount not paid by Medicare.*Make an attempt to collect the co-pay amount from the patient.*Accept assignment on all claims. If you are a physician that accepts Medicare patients, you are familiar with the billing and re-imbursement process and you know from filing CMS-1500 forms that it can take weeks for a claim that was manually filed to be handled and reimbursed by Medicare. Outsourcing your medical billing to a vendor

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

The Business of Medical Billing For Psychiatric Claims

The Business of Medical Billing For Psychiatric Claims Psychiatric medical billing can be confusing for a lot of people, and many times improperly coded medical billing claims will result in the medial billing getting kicked back. Some standard billing codes for the Psychiatric industry are as follows: The “Initial Psych Eval” causes a lot of confusion. Normally the 45 – 60 minute initial evaluation is billed under CPT code 90801 (whether it is a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist). Psychiatric testing is another coding nightmare for a lot of people, normally it is billed under CPT code 96100 (regardless of the “type” of test – the CPT code is always the

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

What Is ICD-9-CM Coding System?

What Is ICD-9-CM Coding System? It almost sounds like the title to an Ed Wood film, but ICD-9 is actually a very efficient system of coding developed in a collaborative effort between the World Health Organization (WHO) and ten international medical centers, including one in the United States in an effort to streamline reporting of medical procedures. The purpose of this coding system is to promote international compatibility in the collection, classification, processing and presentation of health related statistics. In the United States, this coding system takes on another purpose as the HIPAA-mandated coding system used in medical billing. ICD-9 Clinical Modification (CM) is the system currently used in the

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

HIPAA Compliance and Outsourcing Your Medical Billing

HIPAA Compliance and Outsourcing Your Medical Billing The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) has had a major impact on health care providers who do business electronically as well as many of their health care business partners. Many changes involve complex computer system modifications. HIPAA compliance requirements have been standardized into 4 main aspects. 1) Electronic transactions and code sets2) Security;3) Unique identifiers; and4) Privacy HIPAA does not require a health care provider to conduct all transactions and medical billing electronically. Rather, if you are going to conduct any one of these business transactions electronically they will need to be done in thestandard secure format outlined under

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments