Medical Billing Blog: Section - General Info

Archive of all Articles in the General Info Section

This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the General Info section of our blog.

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Clearinghouse vs. Direct to Carrier Medical Billing Submissions

Clearinghouse vs. Direct to Carrier Medical Billing Submissions When considering which to submit to, there is some pause for thought. Most practices submit paper claims direct to the Carrier as they always have. This is not a very cost effective way to handle claims unless you only submit one claim to one carrier,which isn’t likely. You have a thriving practice with a lot of patients and therefore have a lot of claims with many different carriers. With a clearinghouse, you need only contact one location and submit all your claims for routing and processing. Most medical billing firms use the clearing house method.Furthermore, more carriers don’t allow editing of claims

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Outsourcing Your Medical Billing for Chiropractic Services

Outsourcing Your Medical Billing for Chiropractic Services You have a thriving Chiropractic practice. You have loyal patients who appreciate your services and recommend you to their associates and in turn your practice grows even larger. Soon, your in office staff is spending so much time answering phones and patient’s questions, you find your medical billing is being submitted later and later and your reimbursements are happening slower and slower. Worse, your staff is so busy sometimes they are not coding your medical billing properly, it’s not that they don’t know, it is just that they are so busy there isn’t time to keep up with the fast paced changes in

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Common Medical Billing Problems

Common Medical Billing Problems One of the most common errors in medical billing when it is handled in house at the physician’s office is a completely avoidable one. It’s called Up-coding, Undercoding, and Over-coding. Basically, correctly done coding is when the CPT-4, matches up to the correct ICD-9 or diagnosis. Sounds easy enough until you get into the sheer myriad of services available for medical billing purposes. What you need to be careful of is Up-coding that involves submitting CPT code(s) for a more extensive service or procedure than what was actually performed, or for submitting CPT codes for non-covered or non-chargeable services. Over-coding another biggie that can get your

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing – Outsourcing

Medical Billing – Outsourcing To outsource or not to outsource that is the question. Your practice is growing and busy. Your staff is very busy servicing incoming patients, answering busy phone calls, and whatever the crisis du jour might be in your office that day. Life can’t be planned, as a physician you know that more than most. You don’t have time for coding errors, which when you do your own medical billing and coding, unfortunately are a fact of life. Most coding errors are just that, plain old human error. When your staff gets rushed and distracted from what they are doing, and it happens in the most well

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Is DME A Profitable Venture?

Is DME A Profitable Venture? Until recent years, not really. The cost of the products versus having to track claims, find re-imbursements, and keep up with claims status; made DME a very labor intensive venture. With the advent of specialized DME/HME software, secure internet connections, and standardized billing procedures; DME can now be a very profitable venture. In your practice, you will want to be sure that the product(s) you are dispensing are profitable. You need to watch the pricing of the product costs, in some instances, your product costs may be more than the carrier is willing to reimburse you for. When handling for Medicare patients, the process is

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Offering Medical Billing in New Jersey

Offering Medical Billing in New Jersey Are you a health care provider in New Jersey, looking to outsource your Medical Billing? Look no further! With our experience and expertise, we can meet all your Medical Billing needs. Because we service New Jersey health care providers, we are familiar with New Jersey state requirements for filing insurance, Medicaid and Medicare claims forms. That means you do not need to worry about costly coding, filing, or data-entry errors that can increase turn-around time on your reimbursements. Concerned about HIPAA Compliance? Don’t be. When you allow us to meet all your Medical Billing needs, you can rest assured that we are under the

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing in California

Medical Billing in California Are you a health care provider in California? Have you discovered the benefits of outsourcing your Medical Billing? We are an experienced Medical Billing company, serving the state of California. We have the knowledge and expertise to meet all your Medical Billing needs. Because we service health care providers in the state of California, we are familiar with all of California’s requirements for filing insurance, Medicaid and Medicare claims forms. That means no more costly errors that can increase turn-around time. Outsourcing your Medical Billing frees up your staff to focus on patient care rather than insurance claim forms. Outsourcing keeps your overhead costs low, increases

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billers & Coders Needed, Nationally

Yes! Yes! Yes! There is a massive need for medical personnel, especially those qualified to not only submit claims, but also for those with the ability to code them for submission to insurance carriers.I’ve seen the statistics that show the growth in the now ‘baby boom’ population, which now and for the next ten years show a need for the biller and the coder. I’ve seen the increase in job want ads for billers and coders in all the big newspapers, as well as on the internet. And lastly, i’ve gotten the continuous phone calls from friends, industry contacts and medical facilities asking for my help in filling the biller/coder

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

How to Choose A Medical Billing Service

How to Choose A Medical Billing Service:When a physician chooses a medical billing service, there are several things to consider before making a final decision. First, you have to decide what you want your medical billing service to do. Some just handle insurance claims. Others help with collecting money from patients. And some provide extensive practice management services. Medical billing services submit insurance claims one of two ways: on paper or electronically. It is important to choose a medical billing service that does electronic submissions as much as possible. This will result in quicker claim acceptance and payments from insurance companies. Physicians must also consider what medical billing services charge

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

In or Out of Network: Picking a PPO Physician

When you belong to a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), you will usually be asked to choose a physician that belongs “in-network”. What does in-network mean? It means that the insurance company has arranged with a network of physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers to provide healthcare to its members. Usually this network of providers has agreed to provide services at rates that are much lower than normal, in return for more business from insurance companies. Insurance companies do this to keep their costs low. Choosing an in-network doctor usually costs less for the consumer. Often PPO’s agree to pay most or all of the cost of a visit to an

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments