Medical Billing Blog: Section - General Info

Archive of all Articles in the General Info Section

This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the General Info section of our blog.

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Three Medical Billing Outsourcing Myths

Myth #1: You will have a higher rate of reimbursements, if you only work with an established medical billing outsourcing company. Their longevity points to a wide range of experiences and expertise, to handle the complexities of your billing problems.However, a company’s length of service in the medical billing industry is not the only measure of reliability or expertise. There are “toddler” medical billing companies which are owned and managed by executives, or medical billing experts who’ve branched out from the older firms. They bring their experiences and a significant amount of knowledge to the new business. To get a better assessment, you should request the prospective firms for a

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Software Consultants?

Are you planning to install medical billing software in your practice? Whether you have a small practice or are part of a national health care provider organization, this is a crucial buying decision, as it affects your revenues. In addition, there are serious legal ramifications from making incorrect patient claims, and if the software is not HIPAA compliant. Together with these considerations, you’ll need to partner with a medical billing software vendor, who has excellent customer support. This is not about limited toll free numbers or multimedia presentations or online help menus. Get acquainted with the consultants of this organization and find out how they can help. There are four

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

DME Supply Prior Authorization?

Why is it that a DME supplier can go through the proper channels, get a DME supply authorized by an insurance adjuster and/or case manager, get a negotiated non-reviewal price for this equipment and then have to waste a great amount of expensive time to fight for what was agreed upon in the beginning? I’m finding out that more times than not, this authorization isn’t worth the paper it is written on. You have to appeal a payment with the claim payor that has been significantly reduced from the negotiated, non-reviewable fee. Sometimes, after being persistent and getting berated by these adjusters, who now say it’s not their problem, you

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing and Coding Professionals

Every doctor’s office needs an individual or medical billing firm proficient in medical billing and coding to succeed in today’s world. Without this individual or firm, the practice sets itself at risk to fraud charges, unpaid claims and cash flow problems. The practice is very interested in limiting or keeping these situations from happening, which is why a medical billing & coding professional is so important. Medical billing and coding professionals focus on patients’ claims, communicate with insurance companies and federal agencies in order to obtain payment for the practice. There are careers available in medical billing and coding in hospitals, clinics, doctors offices, insurance companies and obviously a medical

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Unruly Patients – Knowledge is Power

Every practice has them, the sad, the mad, and the just plain bitter. Patients that are unhappy with co-pays, deductibles and out of pocket expenses. Prescription prices are up and so are premiums. How does a front desk or outsourced management team cope? In a word, education. Remember that customer service is still the easiest product to deliver in any profession. Staff and support team members who are willing to step up to the plate and deliver information in a sincere and confident manner can weather any patient fury. For those practices that lack an information source in a hurried front office consider info sheets explaining how new plan yearly

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Work at Home Medical Billing Career?

Proper medical billing is an important aspect of the medical field, primarily involving processing insurance claims. Work-at-home medical billing opportunities are everywhere, but most lack important information. Coding standards make it relatively simple for anyone to learn the tasks required for medical billing. While there are many ways to acquire medical billing training, working as an independent home processor is far more difficult than just learning proper input and coding. Advertisements commonly suggest medical billing is an easy job done from the comfort of your home, but in reality typically require running an entire medical billing business, including recruiting clients to provide work volume. Rarely can an actual medical billing

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Consulting, Is It Right For Your Practice?

What are medical billing consulting services? Medical billing consulting services are supporting management services provided by professionals who are experienced with the administrative side in providing healthcare. These professionals can provide medical billing consulting services because they have worked in the medical billing and coding industry and understand its’ complexities. They use their expertise to guide physicians and hospitals to improve their reimbursement claims and medical billing processes. When do you think you should avail of medical billing consultancy services? You should consider medical billing consulting services if you are a physician whose present practice is expanding, and you remain eager to learn and improve upon your current medical billing

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Is A Medical Billing Career For You?

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists medical billing and coding specialists; together with that of health information technicians as one of the ten fastest-growing allied health occupations spurred by the need for their special skills and knowledge in the field. These medical billing and coding specialists are employed in clinics, hospitals, insurance companies, consulting firms, medical coding and billing services firms, governmental agencies and computer software companies. The basic job function of medical billing and coding specialists is to assign codes to diagnoses and procedures. This is to insure proper financial reimbursement from insurance companies and government agencies. For dedicated medical billing and coding specialists who constantly train

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Outsourcing Benefits

What are the benefits to outsourcing your medical billing to a medical billing firm? Your practice gains substantial benefits when it hires a medical billing outsourcing firm. By hiring a medical billing outsourcing firm, you free your self and your staff from the paperwork headaches of the reimbursement claims process. By hiring a medical billing outsourcing firm, you are able to expedite income generation. Your reimbursement claims can be paid within 7-14 days. Paper claims are processed electronically to check for errors, and a bigger percentage of claims will be paid. By hiring a medical billing outsourcing firm, you eliminate non-productive office hours. For the medical billing, outsourcing firm handles

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments

Medical Billing Software

More than ten years ago medical billing records were committed on paper. The advent of computers and the introduction of reliable medical billing software have largely phased out the paper system of keeping medical billing records. Today’s healthcare providers have realized medical billing software ensures their reimbursement claims are facilitated in a secure and efficient manner. Medical billing software also tracks each patient’s medical and insurance billing and accounting, all to the benefit of patients. Here are three benefits inherent in the use of medical billing software as compared to the paper based systems. 1. Medical billing software improves staff productivity, as easy to use medical billing software improves efficiency.

Published By: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO | No Comments