Medical Billing Blog: Section - Medical Billing

Archive of all Articles in the Medical Billing Section
This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the Medical Billing section of our blog.
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Medical Billing Tips for Cardiac Rehab in 2007
Cardiac rehabilitation staff members have great medical billing news coming their way. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded coverage for cardiac rehab. The medical billing element for cardiac rehabilitation will be much less strict when it comes to requirements. In the past year, the requirements in order to get medical billing reimbursement for cardiac rehab were strict. You had to have a heart attack, angina, or coronary artery bypass surgery. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services now realizes that this type of care does not prevent any problem from occurring. It was merely reactive treatment. In December of 2005, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced …
Medical Billing for Auditory Rehabilitation
Medical billing in the speech, language, and hearing community is looking a little brighter, medical billing reimbursement will be nearly four times the old amount for this code.There was a dramatic increase in the amount in 2006, however many practices are not taking advantage of this increase. The current procedural terminology code 92626 (Evaluation of auditory rehabilitation status; first hour) was reimbursable at $22.07. This has changed. Medical billing now allows this code to be valued at $81.76. The relative value unit (RVU) used to calculate this medical billing reimbursement was 2.20. Originally the RVU was 0.55. The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) was the reason the RVU was …
How Can An Outside Audit Help Your Practice?
No one likes the word “audit” but sometimes it can help your practice. When it’s coming from the IRS or other authority office, an audit can be a major stressor; when you enlist the services of a third party partner to do an audit on the way your medical billing is filed – there are no penalties – only pluses! An internal audit of the way your medical coding and billing is handled can alert you to problems you may not have even been aware existed. Staff members can be adverse to change and continue using coding combinations that do not result in the maximum reimbursement for your services. When …
Why Medical Billing Claims Get Denied?
There are a number of reasons that your medical billing claims could be getting kicked back. Next time you have a medical billing claim kicked back, carefully check it to see why it was returned. Finding out why your medical billing claims were refused will sometimes uncover an unhealthy pattern in your office such as not keeping up with the changes to the CPT codes. And that’s our number one reason, usage of outdated or improper codes. The CPT updates a number of times a year and keeping up with those changes can be difficult. However, if you don’t use the most current coding the carriers are well within their …
The Answer For a Busy Staff
Very little can compare to how busy a doctor’s office can get. Besides the patients that you have scheduled, your staff will also have to handle endless phone calls, questions from patients and potential patients, patients without appointments that simply walk in and emergency and urgent care situations that require other patients be re-scheduled so an urgent matter can be performed. Along with the patient care and servicing come the day-to-day office duties that include coding your medical billing claims correctly, keeping up with the CPT codes, knowing which modifiers to attach to which claims, making sure that your practice is credentialed to be servicing patients that have other insurances, …
Office Visits And Well Checks
Any time you are coding for problem visits that a patient has, it is important that you take into consideration any other office visits that they may have recently had. Basically, you are going to want to look to see if there is a connection between visits for preventative medicine as well as current health issues that may be in place, which also needs some attention. Many times, a physician will end up seeing a patient that shows up in search of a visit to fall into the category of preventative medicine. Then, upon further evaluation, the doctor will then need to look at the patient further for some sort …
Dealing With A Chronic Condition
Finding the proper code when you’re doing the medical billing for your office can be a sticky situation when you’re presented with a medical coding situation that you have never written up before. In the event that you have this arise, it is best to break down the procedure and double check your chosen codes to make sure that you’re choosing the most current sets possible describe the services that were given to the patient, in doing so you’ll save a lot of headaches regarding declined or improper reimbursements later on down the road. When you have a perfect example of such a chronic condition that you need to code …
All You Should Know About Foreign Body Removal
Anyone who has been involved with coding already knows just how frustrating it can be to deal with some of the tougher cases in involving FBR, or foreign body removal. As with many of the things that you will code, this is the same in terms of the fact that each case can vary from patient to patient. For example, one patient will have a different type of removal than another and the method will also be quite different in nature. Even if they have a removal that is necessary from the same area, physicians are well known for using different methods from one another from time to time. This …
Keep Your Observation Coding In Check
There is nothing worse than finding different coding mistakes. One of the things that you can do in order to keep certain mistakes from showing up is keep your observation coding in check. Although you may think that you know all of the general rules in terms of observation services reporting in the ED, mistakes can still happen. When you are looking to smooth out any of the wrinkles found in your observation coding, you can keep several things in mind. For starters, it is very important that you do not bill more than once for physicians that are from the same group. This is a situation that calls for …
In Medical Billing, Partners are Valuable Assets
Did you know your medical billing partner can be counted among your most valuable business assets? Customer service and health care are also very important aspects of your practice, however, medical billing is the core of the business. You should know at all times that people responsible for the core of your business can be trusted. Knowing your medical billing staff members is imperative to your success. Medical coding and billing is an extremely skilled practice. When you outsource your medical billing claims, you have to have confidence that your medical billing partner will check the coding, put the medical documentation in order, make notations where needed and submit your …