Medical Billing Blog: Section - Outsourcing

Archive of all Articles in the Outsourcing Section
This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the Outsourcing section of our blog.
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Measures to Detect and Prevent Fraudulent Billing Practices
Fraudulent billing practices pose a significant challenge across various sectors, particularly in healthcare, insurance, and finance. These practices not only lead to substantial financial losses but also undermine the integrity of services and trust in these industries. Effective fraud and abuse prevention measures are essential to safeguard resources, maintain transparency, and ensure fair practices. This article delves into the key strategies and measures that can be employed to detect and prevent fraudulent billing practices. Understanding Fraudulent Billing Practices Fraudulent billing refers to the act of deliberately falsifying billing information to receive unearned benefits or payments. Common fraudulent billing practices include: Upcoding: Billing for a more expensive service than what was …
Can you save money by outsourcing your medical billing?
Outsourcing your billing can potentially save you money, but it depends on various factors such as the size of your practice, efficiency of the billing process, and the cost structure of outsourcing services. Here are some ways outsourcing medical billing can save you money: Reduced Overhead Costs: Outsourcing eliminates the need to hire and train in-house billing staff, which can reduce costs related to salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment. Efficiency and Accuracy: Professional billing companies specialize in this area and often have dedicated teams using advanced software to handle billing tasks accurately and efficiently. This can reduce errors and rejections, leading to quicker reimbursements and fewer denied claims. Focus …
Defining the Role of a Medical Billing Clearing House
The importance of a clearing house in the medical world cannot be overemphasized. Also called Third Party Administrators (TPAs), clearing houses make healthcare payment seamless by serving as a link between the hospital, patient, and insurance provider. The role of the clearing house is to interact with the billing system of a hospital, clinic or physician’s office to evaluate medical claims. It sets up necessary documents for patients with claims before forwarding them to the insurer. Typically, a clearing house has strong ties with various insurance providers. Clearing houses aren’t restricted to just collecting documents and ensuring proper documentation for the claim/claims of patients, they are also saddled with the …
RCM tip: Consider Revenue Cycle Outsourcing
Outsourcing the revenue cycle management process can prove beneficial for healthcare organizations, according to Joel Gleason, senior vice president and global market head of the provider segment at Cognizant. Mr. Gleason shared the following tip with Becker’s Hospital Review. “For hospitals and standalone healthcare providers, it’s all about delivering top-quality care, not necessarily managing the revenue cycle. Collecting payment is crucial to success. But chances are it’s not a core competency. “In fact, 57 percent of businesses outsource because it allows them to concentrate on what they’re good at, according to Deloitte. Focusing on the core business is the second most popular reason to outsource, just two percentage points behind …
7 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Medical Billing with ICD-10
It can be difficult deciding whether to outsource your medical billing or not. With ICD-10 coming in October, There are many benefits of outsourcing your revenue cycle functions. Let’s take a look at 7 of those benefits. #1 Economy of Scale A billing service will distribute their expenses through their complete client base, which provide an economy of scale. They are able to operate with lowers costs than what a single practice can and those savings are passed on to their clients, making them very competitive. A billing service is able to afford to hire top-notch staff so you are able to pay less and get more. #2 …
Is It Time to Outsource Your Medical Billing?
If you are noticing your medical billing claims are taking longer and longer to be reimbursed or you are having denials, rejections, or only partial reimbursements on your medical billing claims, it may be time to look at outsourcing your medical billing claims. You may feel as though you would be giving up control of your cash flow when actually you will have more control than ever. In fact, outsourcing your medical billing and coding needs through a medical billing partner is one of the smartest business moves you can make. The best company to handle your medical billing isn’t necessarily located around the corner from your practice or even …
Medical Billing for 92552 And You
Medical Billing for 92552 And You Performing medical billing for current procedural terminology code 92552 can be difficult to distinguish from 92551. These hearing tests are similar, but there are slight differences. When billing for these medical hearing tests, it is important to match chart notes with CPT codes. The medical billing CPT code 92552 means pure tone audiometry; air only. This is a hearing test that a physician uses when testing the limits of intensity for each frequency heard. This means, for each pitch, high or low, the physician sees what the patient can hear at the lowest intensity possible. When doing medical billing for this procedure, one must …
Outsourcing Your Chiropractic Medical Billing
Outsourcing Your Chiropractic Medical Billing Chiropractic offices are often overlooked in the medical billing community. Your chiropractic practice can benefit just as much from outsourcing your medical billing as any other type of practice. There are nuances in the chiropractic industry that can make or break your medical billing claims being reimbursed. One of the biggest things that gets your chiropractic medical billing claims denied is lack of good documentation. Make sure you have good back up documentation before you file. Take the extra effort to be certain you have the right paperwork and coding before the claim is filed. Also, make sure the CPT codes haven’t changed otherwise, you …
Doctor Disciplined – Told to Take Medical Billing Classes
In Texas, a Bastrop physician and an Austin doctor were among the over 60 physicians that were disciplined y the Texas Medical Board. are among the 64 doctors the Texas Medical Board recently disciplined. The Internalist that was disciplined, Dr. Rajeev Gupta, was disciplined because five patients were improperly billed and the radiology equipment was operated by a staff member that was unlicensed. Dr. Gupta was fined $1000 and required to take a course in medical billing. The attorney for Dr. Gupta stated, “We realize there were mistakes, and we’re taking steps to make sure there are no additional mistakes,” said Alex Fuller, an Austin lawyer representing Gupta. “It wasn’t …
Outsourcing a Dirty Word toYou?
The word “outsourcing” has become a dirty word for many physicians that have been burned by medical billing companies that either outsourced their claims to medical billing companies that use neither secure networks nor adhere to HIPAA regulation in order to maximize their profits; or the outsourcing company just turned out to not be reliable and it wound up costing the practice money to utilize their services. Don’t let a bad experience keep you from partnering with a legitimate medical billing company that can not only help you get your reimbursements faster but also realize great profits by maximizing every single medical billing claim that is filed to make sure …