Submit an Article Link to Be Mentioned by Melissa

Submit an Article Link to Be Mentioned by Our CEO
If you have an article published on your website, blog or other location that is healthcare or medical related and would be valuable to healthcare providers, our CEO would be happy to read it and provide a synopsis of it. All of “Melissa’s Mentions” will give credit to the original author and link to the original article location on your blog, website or other location.
Please Note:
Melissa does review every article, but does not necessarily do a synopsis of every article depending upon its quality and relevance to medical providers.
All quality, healthcare related article links are mentioned by Melissa and added to:
- Melissa’s Mentions section of the website.
High quality, relevant articles will also be mentioned in a “Mention” tweet by our CEO Melissa Clark
* If Melissa Mentions your article, you will be notified by email to verify her synopsis of your article.
Please fill in the following form to submit your link to be reviewed.

Submit Your Article Link to “Melissa’s Mentions”
(All fields are required.)
Privacy: Please note that all information collected in this form is kept in strict confidence, Outsource Management Group, LLC., will never distribute any of this information to any third party. We only collect this information to better serve your individual needs.