ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts

ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
This section contains links and information about articles we find very informative from other ICD-10 related sources.
Click any of the recently added ICD-10 articles below to read more, or discuss that article topics further.
The ICD-10 article center will be continually updated to include all articles that we feel will assist providers and colleagues with regard to ICD-10 implementation, etc.

Capitol Hill is paying a lot of attention to ICD-10…
"Capitol Hill is paying a lot of attention to ICD-10 implementation" is a great article by Carl Natale on ICD-10 Watch that talks about a big week in ICD-10 implementation... Excerpt: "The U.S. House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health, chaired by Rep. Joe...
• ICD-10, ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts, Medical Billing Blog, Melissa's Mentions
Biggest ICD-10 obstacle and how to avoid it?
"What is the biggest ICD-10 obstacle and how do you avoid it?" is an article by Kyle Murphy, PhD that gives some insight into how the biggest obstacle for the ICD-10 transition is still testing... Excerpt: "As the deadline for complying with ICD-10 draws nearer, the...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
Is ICD-10 Going to Cause Some Level of Insanity?
"Is ICD-10 Going to Provoke a Level of Healthcare Insanity?" is an article by Melissa Clark that gives some insight into her opinions as to how ICD-10 is going to possibly affect the healthcare industry... Excerpt: "The ICD 10 is going to result in super bills that...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
ICD-10 Education Must Focus on Documentation
With October 1 coming faster than I think we all realize, I want to talk about an article that I think is a great one for Providers. "ICD-10 education must focus on clinical documentation improvement" is an article by Jennifer Bresnick at EHR Intelligence that explains some...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
Why ICD-10 is not Just About the Codes
"Why ICD-10 is not just a coding project" is an article over at EHR Intelligence that makes a good point about how the transition to ICD-10 is not just about the new coding system, it's more about being able to properly document encounters... Excerpt: "If you think...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
ICD-10 Transition, How Much Will it Cost a Small Practice?
Practice Fusion has provided a great article explaining some of the factors to consider when assessing what the ICD-10 transition will cost your practice. As the article states, it will be considerably less costly to become proactive with your training and preparation sooner...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
ICD-10 Resources Including Books, Information Sources
HiTech Answers has provided a great article showcasing some very informative ICD-10 resources. The resources provided are some of the best we've seen at assisting medical providers in their ICD-10 preparations... Roberta's Excerpt: "Here are some resources to help you...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
Is It Time To Prescribe Some ICD-10 Panic?
"Maybe it's time to prescribe a healthy dose of panic" is an article by Carl Natale outlining the results of a survey showing that providers aren't panicking when it comes to ICD-10. But this survey also shows that providers are not very far along in their ICD-10...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
ICD-10 Prep Steps for Medical Providers
"ICD-10 Prep Steps for Medical Providers" is an article posted to our corporate blog by CEO Melissa Clark outlining the steps to be taken by providers with the upcoming transition to ICD-10 in Oct... Melissa's Excerpt: "As a Provider, ICD-10 preparation, and the...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts
How the AMA is helping physicians with ICD-10
"How the AMA is helping physicians with ICD-10 implementation" is another great article by Carl Natale outlining how the American Medical Association is assisting providers with the upcoming transition to ICD10 in a 12-step process... Carl's Excerpt: "One of the most...
• ICD-10 Articles From Colleagues and Other Experts

ICD-10 Articles from Our Corporate Blog

- A Guide to Radiology and Imaging Coding
- Introduction to Billing for Podiatry
- Tips and Considerations for Accurate Coding in Gynecology
- Tips for Coding Cardiology and Coding Professional Development
- 2025 ICD-10 Updates – ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS
- Home Health and Hospice Billing: Key Considerations for Proper Reimbursement

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