ICD-10 Medical Coding Corner : ICD-10 Training Resources

Welcome to ICD-10 Coding Corner
(Since ICD-10 has been in practice for some time now, the coding corner will no longer be updated regularly as an ICD-10 learning tool. All archives will stay in place for future review.)
The ICD-10 coding corner is an ICD-10 teaching and learning forum for providers, coders, etc. It contains sample encounters for coding, ICD-10 articles and information from expert sources, as well as an archive of ICD-10 diagnosis or procedural codes.
Each encounter, article and ICD-10 code has a comment section allowing for visitors to code the encounters, start a discussion and provide usage comments.
Click any of the recently added encounters, medical codes or articles below to read more, or discuss that particular content or diagnostic and/or procedure code. Alternatively, you can search the encounter, ICD-10 article and code archives individually or choose a specific category to the right.
The ICD-10 coding corner will be continually updated to include all available articles and codes as a part of OMG's ICD-10 implementation assistance program.